Monday, July 27, 2015

Team Work -- Really?

Ask me to do something, and I'm all in; ask me to do something with a team, and I instinctively roll my eyes. Teamwork is not a natural thing for me, but is something that requires me to get outside of my comfort zone. When I am put in a situation that requires me to work as part of a team, I have to consciously step back and become something that is outside of my nature.

Is it fun? No. Is it easy? No. Is it beneficial, Yes. I have to admit that when I'm forced to work with others, it helps me be a better leader, because I force myself to think of others, who they are, their gifts and even their weaknesses. I find myself working to encourage and push others out of their comfort zones in order to grow, all the while knowing that I'm doing the same -- growing, learning, becoming vulnerable and ultimately a true part of a team.

What do I learn from being put in team-building situations? I learn that when I'm pushed outside my comfort zone, I can still find ways to grow as a leader and take what I learn back to my library as I seek to grow my own team for the betterment of our institution and patrons.

So team work, really...yes, because it's an chance to grow and consider others for a change.

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