Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Closing your eyes is scary

When someone says: "Close your eyes", I have a tendency to rebel. There is something about closing one's eyes that makes you feel like you no longer have control, and to turn that control over to a total stranger is even harder. Well, that's what Dr. Catherine Self asked of us today after we had enjoyed her talk, which I summarized in the earlier blog.

Being a relatively compliant person, I obeyed and closed my eyes, and after some nice relaxation techniques which almost led to a nice nap, Dr. Self asked us to reflect on this: Our most memorable moment in our current job. When I took time to delve into my psyche over a particular event based on her probing questions, I was able to open my eyes with a new perspective. Surprise -- there are ways that we all receive affirmation in our workplace, but we forget them because we don't stop to breathe and reflect.

I knew this already, and I've even encouraged others to stop and reflect (complete with a cup that reads "breathe" on it), but practicing it in my own life? Not as good at that. But today is a new day...a new chance to start a new habit. So, I will close my eyes more often while I'm sitting behind my desk with a pile of work in front of me; forget the work and reflect on what keeps me sitting at that desk day after day--the memory of a great moment!


  1. Carol, you said it perfectly. You took the words right out of my mind! You express yourself so well. I enjoy reading your posts.

    1. Thanks so much! I appreciate the encouragement.

  2. It is easy to become so focused on the stresses and criticisms within the job, that you forget to think about the affirmations. When we take the time to stop, breath, and reflect; even the smallest and most humble displays of appreciation really make the job worthwhile. :)

